Nuclear Life Extension

To help extend the operational life of nuclear power plants, many of which have surpassed their original 40-year lifespan, Celeros Flow Technology provides repair and replacement services for pumps and valves to address wear and tear. They offer solutions such as re-engineering, spare management, and component upgrades, ensuring safe and efficient plant operation beyond the original design life.

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Extending Operational Life and Meeting Clean Energy Goals

According to the IAEA over two thirds of the active nuclear power reactors have been in service for more than three decades or have already surpassed their initially planned operational lifespan of approximately 40 years. While nuclear power plants don’t have a fixed lifespan, wear and tear on components over time must be evaluated to ensure plants are running efficiently and meet current safety standards. Almost all parts, however, can be upgraded or replaced, extending the plant’s operational life safely and reliably.

With sufficient investment, utilities can extend the safe working life of their installed reactors from the original 40 years to 50 years, 80 years, or even longer. By doing so, these reactors can continue generating low-carbon energy, aiding in the transition to clean energy by 2050. Given the lengthy approval, design and build cycles associated with new nuclear plants, governments, utilities and investors recognize substantial economic, environmental and political advantages in investing to maintain, upgrade and extend existing plants rather than undertaking new builds. This approach maximizes the availability of nuclear power during a time of urgent climate action.

Safety and Regulatory Focus

As a leader in nuclear power, we understand the importance of maintaining safety systems and ensuring components remain in optimal condition. Regulatory review processes are key, and upgrades often focus on safety and competitiveness. For example, modernizing essential equipment, such as pumps and control systems, enhances plant performance and safety. These pumping solutions can be applied to all reactor types, including pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs).

Managing Ageing Equipment

Components, including pumps and valves in the water cooling systems and supporting infrastructure, can be repaired, replaced, or upgraded. This modernization increases the operational efficiency of the plant and contributes to long-term availability. Celeros Flow Technology, with equipment installed in over 65% of operational nuclear power plants, offers expertise in addressing aging equipment challenges, ensuring safe and continued operation well beyond the original 40-year licenses.

Nuclear Equipment Repair

Proper maintenance is essential for equipment longevity. Repairing existing assets is often a timely and cost-effective solution for plant operators compared to full replacements. With its lifecycle management services, Celeros FT evaluates equipment condition, performs component re-engineering, manages spare parts and addresses changing operating conditions that can lead to decreased efficiency over time.

Key Services Include:

  • Evaluation: Advising whether components should be upgraded or replaced
  • Component Re-engineering
  • Spare Parts Management
  • Seismic Re-evaluations, Studies, and Original Qualification Verification
  • Technological Monitoring: Including obsolescence management
  • Troubleshooting: For issues such as cavitation, erosion and vibration

Nuclear Equipment Replacement

In some cases, replacing equipment is the most practical option. Asset replacement allows operators to install the latest technology, which may be more suited to current applications and offer improved efficiency. Celeros FT provides a comprehensive range of Class 1, 2 and 3 pump and valve equipment to meet the replacement needs of various applications, including reactor coolant, condensate extraction, safety injection and reactor core isolation cooling.

Balancing Repair and Replacement

While equipment repair is efficient and cost-effective, operators sometimes find replacement the better choice for long-term performance and compliance with updated safety standards. Celeros FT’s extensive expertise and portfolio of services allow operators to make informed decisions that optimize both safety and performance.

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