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Equipment upgrades are optimal when a plant's operational needs have changed since being commissioned, the plant life is being extended, efficiency is required in the plant or the plant needs to update to latest technology.

Benefits of Upgrading your valve offers a number of benefits including:

  • Reduced lead-time and cost as compared to new equipment,
  • Copes-Vulcan evaluation of operating conditions, optimizing trim and assembly configuration.

Potential upgrade possibilities include:

  • Trim design change (RAVEN, Multi-stage HUSH, GAD)
  • Trim material enhancement (Stellite, Nitride)
  • Actuator change (Piston, Electric)

Refurbished parts are a cost effective means for a plant to recondition the OEM parts, while minimizing lead times and costs. Technical evaluation of returned parts will identify potential operational issues based on the observed condition of parts.

The benefits of refurbished parts include:

  • Save money - it is more cost effective than using replacement parts, to refurbish existing components in place of ordering a complete set of trim.
  • Save time: faster turn around compared to new replacement parts.
  • Full Manufacturer's Warranty from time of shipment (1 year).
Flow PNE Copes Reengineering

Re-engineering and upgrade process

The Copes-Vulcan team has expanded our participation with Nuclear Refurbishments and Upgrades in response to quality concerns over non OEM suppliers, and to meet our customers' needs for improved cost savings, plant life extensions, and power uprates.

We offer:

  • Refurbishment of existing valve components and assemblies to extend the life of the OEM equipment.
  • Upgrade and modernization of original equipment such as:
  • Quick disconnect kits for D100 actuators which eliminates the need for spinning actuator on and off during maintenance.
  • Replacing threaded trim with quick change trim
  • Configuration/material changes to resolve potential operational issues due to changes in operating temperatures, pressures or flow rates.
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Inventory management

We will help you to meet your outage schedule. Each of our manufacturing facilities maintains an inventory of replacement parts to permit rapid response to your urgent needs.

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