Series 700 actuators are pneumatic diaphragm operators that offer spring return in either direct or reverse acting styles, offering fail-open and fail-closed models respectively.
The actuators may be fitted with a variety of springs in order to overcome the wide range of forces that may exist on a valve plug. An adjusting mechanism is incorporated into the actuator design to allow for adjustment of the spring pre-compression.
The series 700 actuator is available in 60, 100 and 160 square inches (38708, 64516, and 103225 square millimeters) of effective diaphragm area and may accommodate up to 5 inches (3225 mm) of travel.
Available options:
The series 800 actuator is capable of giving precise manual throttling control. A travel indicator mounted on the actuator provides visual indication of the valve plug position at all times. The plug position may be secured using a thumb screw.
The handwheel drive mechanism of the series 800 actuator is totally enclosed.
Available options:
Designed specifically for severe duty service, series 1000 actuators can be used in any application where shock and/or vibration may be encountered. Model 1000 actuators have undergone extensive testing and analysis for seismic and environmental considerations and are suitable for nuclear applications. Series 1000 actuators have undergone extensive testing and analysis for seismic and environmental considerations and are suitable for nuclear applications.
Series 1000 actuators are available with 60, 100, 160, 320 and 400 square inches (38708, 64516, 103225, 206451 and 258064 square millimeters) of effective diaphragm area and may be supplied as either direct or reverse acting.
Available options:
Series 1200 actuators are pneumatic piston operators that are available in spring opposed direct and reverse acting models or a springless double acting configuration.
The series 1200 actuator ranges from 4 to 44 inches (102 to 1117 mm) in diameter with an available travel of up to 15 inches (381 mm). The direct and reverse acting models may be fitted with a variety of springs in order to overcome the wide range of forces that may exist on a valve plug.
Viton seals are available for high temperature applications or environments with radiation exposure.
Available options:
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