Nuclear Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feed Pump - CUP-TWL™

Product Category:

Nuclear Pumps

  • An Auxiliary Feed Pump is a vital component in steam power plants, especially in thermal and nuclear power plants
  • It supplies feedwater to the steam generator or boiler when the main feedwater pump is unavailable, such as during startup, shutdown, or emergency situations
  • The auxiliary feedwater system delivers high-pressure feedwater to the steam generators, which is essential for removing residual heat from the reactor core during emergencies

Where to Buy
Nuclear Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feed Pump - CUP-TWL™

Nuclear Applications

  • BWR
  • PWR
  • Auxiliary feedwater
  • Reactor core isolation cooling
  • Boiler feed
  • Marine feed
  • Safety related applications
Pumps   >   Nuclear Pumps


Capable of being engineered to match a broad range of system requirements and consuming less physical space than separate turbine/pump configuration, the TWL™ (turbine water lubricated pump) is an excellent solution for turbine driven safety related duties in nuclear power plants. The TWL is designed for simple, reliable operation without the need for any electrical power. On demand, the mechanical governor arrangement quickly accelerates the TWL to operational speed without the need for any additional supporting services such as oil systems, pneumatics, etc. The TWL employs a venturi in the pump discharge branch to measure pressure that is proportional to the pump flow. This pressure acts across the piston of the governor, providing a mechanical action that throttles the steam flow to the turbine. At start-up, the throttle is fully open, allowing rapid acceleration. As the speed increases the duty flow and pressure are met.


  • Compact in design consuming less physical space compared to separate turbine/pump configurations
  • Operates without electrical power, relying on a mechanical governor for quick acceleration
  • Designed for simple and reliable operation, with a fully open throttle at start-up for rapid acceleration
  • Single casing design with no shaft protrusions, allowing it to start and operate while fully submerged
  • Extensive testing shows it maintains safety performance and operates without adverse effects for at least eight hours, with the ability to start and stop without performance detriment

Technical Specifications

  • Capacity up to: 350 Usgpm / 1,500 m3/hr
  • Delivery up to: 1,300 ft / 4,265 m
  • Temperature up to: 120 0F / 250 oC
  • Speeds up to: 7,500 rpm
  • Flange drilling: ANSI or BS

Where to Buy

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