Core Competencies

With tailored engineering solutions that enhance equipment reliability and performance, our Aberdeen Service Centre offers numerous core competencies. To progress with changing process requirements, we update existing pumps to the latest standards and perform equipment evaluations, upgrades, retrofits, and re-rates.

Even though Celeros Flow Technology is a global organisation, we make decisions at a local level, progressing enquiries by making quick, clear, concise decisions within Aberdeen. This is further reinforced by a large Celeros FT support network across the UK, enabling us to pull additional resources from a diverse talent bank of engineers. The Aberdeen service centre has a state of the art CMM machine to enable reverse engineering of components that are no longer being manufactured. It can also be used to reduce lead time of third party components and document critical part wear analysis.

Case Study

Issue: Low mean time between repairs of a BB5 pump

Concern: Frequent seal and cartridge failures reported by the customer

Decision: Conducted a rotodynamic assessment and researched materials suitable for service

Activity: Upgraded materials for continued service

Mobilisation: Field service team installed the new cartridge

Completion: Increased mean time between repairs

Benefit to Customer: Significant cost savings on frequent repairs

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